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Coaching Circles
Many leaders are searching for an opportunity to explore deeper work around important topics facing them and their organization.
Coaching Circles bring a group of hand-selected managers together over a 6 month period. A trained leadership coach facilitates the weekly sessions focused on deepening their engagement and impact as leaders.
Who Joins Coaching Circles?
Ambitious and reflective leaders seeking:
Deeper insights
Quicker Decisions
Heightened Self-Awareness
Greater Impact
Better Relationships

What Else Is Important?
Storied Awareness Coaching Circles are not for everyone. The best fits are leaders who believe:
Leadership is a skill and worth taking the time to improve and fine-tune
Relationships, connection and vulnerability are at the heart of solving all problems
Generous feedback is a gift to be given and received with grace
The richest path to improvement and impact is where thinking and feeling intersect

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